Friday, September 16, 2011

small leaf spring contacts

I'm curious about Hands0n's comment on the Streak randomly switching off / rebooting Post on the Forum:

This may help some ...
I have a Dell Streak that was previously working absolutely fine. I got it on eBay second hand and in immaculate condition. I equipped it with a Rebel SimCard, popped a Three SIM in and all was well.
Recently, however, it has become very temperamental to the point where it became unusable for the problems being described on this page. But no end of packing and adjusting made any difference. 
Close inspection of the inside and the back cover suggested, to me, that there was something going on in respect to the two sprung cover switches located either side of the battery. These are small leaf spring contacts that short out contacts on the motherboard inside the case. I began to wonder if these were not being as effective as they were when new. They are, after all, entirely mechanical and liable to distort with repeated cover removal and fitting.
So what I have done is to VERY GENTLY lifted each spring slightly, to make it more prominent. By doing so it will ensure that the springs will bear down more heavily on the motherboard contacts and hence make a more assured contact. 
Worth a try, but please be very careful that you don't rip the springs out or cause other physical damage.
If you want to see inside the Streak to see what I'm referring to the pictures in this teardown provide a handy reference Dell Streak Teardown - iFixit
Good luck with yours.

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